Our Mission

Our mission is to create models of learning that support and inspire collaboration in a cross-curricular, inquiry-based community.

Monday, 20 February 2012

Great Ideas in PE!

Using an iPad in Physical Education

By integrating the iPad into the Physical Education classroom we are able to promote improved opportunities for student learning and create new ways of thinking about content, curriculum planning and pedagogy.  The iPad gives a more intriguing option for what can be done to enable student learning and adheres to various learning styles.  In the Physical Education class, we currently use projectors, fitness videos, the beep test, heart rate monitors and pedometers that are quickly becoming outdated.  While the current technology that we use in Physical Education are all viable resources, we believe that as technology continues to improve and update outside the classroom, it is only necessary that we continue to improve and update the technology used in Physical Education.  
Using an iPad in Physical Education would promote student engagement and motivation, including improving their confidence and attitudes toward their own learning.  The iPad allows teachers to download various apps that would improve connections across all sites of learning.  For example, with various apps, students would be able to receive instant feedback regarding various skills learned in PE.  With that instant feedback, students would be able to improve, not only their technique and skills, but their ability to self-assess based on the images of themselves that they view.  This type of self-assessment would hold students accountable for their skills performed in the classroom and thus reinforce their ability to work independently from the teacher.  Additionally, the images and videos of the students viewed on the iPad would create better communication between teacher and student, and even teacher and parent.  For example, having a video or image of a student’s particular skill could allow the teacher to give instant feedback to show the student exactly the ways they need to improve their skill or technique.  Furthermore, with the particular video or images, a teacher may be able to forward the information to a parent regarding their child’s performance, skill, and behaviour in the Physical Education class.  The use of the iPad in the class would also promote various teaching styles such as discovery learning.  For example, students would be able to participate in collaborative learning by discovering how to perform certain skills or techniques by accessing the internet on their iPad. 

The following are a list of potential apps to be used in Physical Education:

Coach’s Eye:
Coach’s Eye simply records a video of an athlete in motion, slows it down to offer feedback about form and technique.  The “coach” is able to use various graphics to show ways to improve these skills. 

Heart Rate:
Use the camera on the ipad to measure your heart rate.  The application detects how the colour of your finger changes when blood flows into it.

Sports Rules:
Perfect app for teachers, coaches and athletes for an easy reference of all popular sports and their associated rules.

Vball Stat:
Provides an impressive full statistical area to track volleyball statistics for any player. 

Easy Assessment:
Easy Assessment is the app teachers, trainers and coaches have been waiting for. A simple way to capture and assess performance in any context or situation. Experience a new level of efficiency.

Tracks how far, how long you’ve gone, what your speed/pace was, how many calories you burned, and the path you traveled on the map.

Jillian Michaels Slim Down Solution:
Personalized Jillian Michaels fitness plan with custom exercises and workouts, based on your body type and goals.

Time Motion:
TimeMotion allows you to record the activity profile of any sportsperson live during the event, or analyse an existing video stored in your photo library

iMuscle is a sophisticated workout aid that can be taken anywhere. Use it to identify a body part or individual muscle by zooming into a 3-Dimensional human body with the musculature exposed. Then access all the exercises associated with the development / rehabilitation of that muscle.

Fitness Class:
Introducing FitnessClass - the only marketplace for real-time, on-demand fitness video workouts, right on your iPad. Choose from a selection of 300+ fitness classes by PumpOne and a collection of the world's elite fitness instructors with a la carte iTunes-style prices

The new Crossfit App for iPad provides users the ability to track any crossfit workout to their iPad or iPad 2. Being able to track every workout will allow you and your crossfit team the ability to host competitions and track results over months or even years. Download the new Crossfit App today in the iTunes marketplace

Nike BOOM:
Nike BOOM syncs your music to your dynamic training workouts, with the world’s most elite athletes and coaches motivating you along the way. Choose your type of workout, length of training, best workout music and favorite Nike athletes—then get to work.

Monday, 13 February 2012

Great Things Happening at FH!

Check out our "Projects" tab for information on the projects that are happening around our school! You can also find templates and questions to get your planning started.  Also, feel free to send me your plans or leave comments!

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Meet n' Eat - February 8, 2012

Today we had our first "Meet n' Eat" to introduce Blogger to our teaching staff.  We had such a great turn out!  People came with examples, ideas, questions, and an enthusiasm to get blogging! 

Blogs are a great way for teachers to share information and communicate with each other, their classes, parents, and whoever else is interested!  We wanted to use our Meet n' Eat lunch to open up the lines of communication among teachers, offer support, and begin collaborating.

To begin, we introduced our ideas for the Learning Design plan and opened it up to the entire staff.  We would like to encourage all teachers who have ideas for inquiry-based, cross-curricular projects, to let us know!  Anyone with an idea can come to Leah or Jess for support, which may include funding, technology, connections with other teachers, or any other support we can offer.  All that we ask in return is that people share their projects, learning, progress, and outcomes on our blog.  This is a great way for people to start sharing, working together, and create a starting point for new learning designs that engage our students.

From there, we shared our Blog (fhsslearn.blogspot.com) and demonstrated how to set up blogger accounts.  People seemed interested and some even set up accounts.  We encourage all teachers to set up accounts and email Jess (pelat_j@sd36.bc.ca) your URL so that it can be added to the fhsslearn blog as a link.  Your blog can be class related, grant project related, or just education related!  It's up to you what you share.  If you would like help setting up a blog, whether you were at the Meet n' Eat or not, come find Jess and we'll get you started!  We also want to invite everyone to comment on our blog and share ideas as we go.

We would love to continue with Meet n' Eat so if you have any ideas for future presentations/chats let Jess or Leah know!  Some ideas so far include creating websites, backwards design, sharing grant projects, and iPad use in the classroom.  Stay tuned for a confirmed date and don't forget to stay up to date on fhsslearn.blogspot.com!

Monday, 6 February 2012

Leah's Update..."Staying Connected Through My Website and Blogger"

- Leah Samson
So, this semester I have made a 'vow' to stay more connected to my students.  I must admit, this was in a way, to save my own sanity as well:)  I used to be one of those teachers who came in early and stayed really late prepping lessons, marking and just talking with my students.  However, having an 18mos. old at home, needing to be picked up, brought to play dates and doctor's appts. has put a 'kink' in my usual schedule at school!  Therefore, I need to do a lot of my work at home (after 7pm bedtime) so having a website and blog has really helped me to stay connected.  I use my website as a 'home base' where students can print off extra photocopies, important documents and watch videos to enrich their learning.  I use my blog as a 'daily diary' if you will.  I 're-cap' what has happened in today's class and a 'preview' of tomorrow.  I may also remind them of homework or ask them to respond to an 'essential question' for class (in the comments section).  I have found this to be GREAT for me-I no longer have to deal with 'I lost that photocopy' or 'I missed yesterday' what did we do questions (although I am clear that reading the blog/website in NO way replaces class and the learning that happens there).  I have just started using this technology on a regular basis and am really enjoying its benefits, now of course, I had to ask some students about their thoughts.........
"I really like the blog because at the end of the day it saves me the time in trying to remember what we did in class that day-instead I can just re-cap it on the blog.  That way it guides me in what I should be studying that night and for the next day."  SS11 student
"I really like the blog/website because if you are having a 'slow day' in class it is a tool I can use to 'catch back up.'  I also like it because it prepares you for the next day-what should I look at?  What can I be ready for?"  SS11 student
"I love the blog/website because it is really well laid out and I can go back and look at what we have done in previous classes as review.  Although it does not 'replace a class' it does help it you miss one class and you want to know what you have done that day (so you are prepared and caught up the next day)."  SS11 student
"I really like the blog/website because it gives us the opportunity to say things that we may be 'too shy' to say/comment on in class." Psych 11/12 student
**I also did a poll in my SS11 and asked 'who checks the blog/website everyday, 28/30 students raised their hands.

Friday, 3 February 2012

A Humanities 8 Project with iPads - What leads to the Rise and Fall of Civilizations?

A plan for Humanities 8 - Using iPads!
Pelat is planning a project that focuses on many of the Humanities 8 Social Studies PLOs:
  • the development and decline of civilizations
  • significant cultural achievements, daily life, art, and religion
  • cultural transmission and adaptation
  • contact and conflict, and the transmission of goods and ideas
  • world geography and exploration
  • population distribution and resource use, and settlement patterns
Using this ipad app I plan to bring more of an element of 'play' into my classroom!  Here's the plan: (PLEASE let me know what you think!)

Humanities 8 – Civilization Revolution

Stage 1
Established Goals (PLOs)
· the development and decline of civilizations
· significant cultural achievements, daily life, art, and religion
· cultural transmission and adaptation
· contact and conflict, and the transmission of goods and ideas
· world geography and exploration
· population distribution and resource use, and settlement patterns
Enduring Understandings                                                  Essential Questions
Students will understand that:
                                                                                                  What leads to the rise and fall of
Many things affect the rise and fall of                                           civilizations?
Technology/games can be used for educational

Students will Know:                                                             Students will be able to:
How the following contributes to the rise and                    Answer the essential question using a
Fall of civilizations: arts, culture, conflict,                           variety of examples and explanations.
education, politics, geography.                                      
                                                                                        Collaborate with a team to simulate history  

                                                                                        Compile their learning into an oral
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks (Summative)                                    Other Evidence (Formative):
(Usually just one)                                                                   
                                                                                        Game notes on EQ
Oral presentation that answers the EQ                              Strategy proposal for success
                                                                                        Summary of events – timeline of game

Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Part 1 – Intro to Civilization Revolution using iPad/Reminder on appropriate use of iPads
-          Discuss essential question and write down what we already know (background knowledge)
-          Go over rules and how to play the game – discuss the purpose of the game and each person’s role
-          Introduce and give examples of taking game notes, writing a strategy for success, and taking a timeline (may use timetoast on ipad)
-          Write out game strategy (eg. focus on arts and culture? Conflict? Exploration? Literacy? Agriculture?) and how might each focus benefit the civilization?
Part 2 – Play game
-          Keep consistent notes and timeline of major events, purchases, accomplishments.
Part 3 – Organize notes and summarize the events
-          Introduce and give example of oral presentation of essential question.  May choose to use web2.0 tools from previous units. Try something new?
-          Present

Materials: 10 iPads; Student journals (may choose to do this electronically)